The principal objective of the STEP to SUSTAINABILITY (S2S) project is to define the skills of a new professional profile in footwear companies, who can work on sustainability on every front.
Generally speaking, Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987).
So, what does adopting sustainable strategies mean for a footwear producer?
During the project we tried to concretely experiment with a variety of good practices. The footwear samples we are presenting here have been purposely made with the intention of showing the market that the road to sustainability can already be reached using materials and technologies that are already available.
Designed by ARSUTORIA School, in Italy, the two prototypes have been made at the Klaveness footwear factory, in Portugal, using Limonta fabrics, leathers from the Carvalhos tannery, Manetti insoles and Finproject outsoles.